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 Pro filing profiles ,making templates

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3 participants

Kitesurf depuis/since : 1999
Masculin Messages : 100
Age : 63
Localisation : france
Weight/Poids: : 73
Foil: : diy fk inspired
Kites/Ailes: : North
Wind/Vent: : 7-45
Inscription : 20/10/2011

Pro filing profiles ,making templates Empty
MessageSujet: Pro filing profiles ,making templates   Pro filing profiles ,making templates EmptyLun 26 Nov 2012 - 19:08

First off a huge thanx to FRANKITE for so much foil designing and building info. Very Happy
These ideas are his, I am allowed to share in hope that others learn and progress!
I am reshaping my 3 year old solid carbon strut from "langly super critical symmetrical" to NACA 63-210 ,top half.
After seeing FKs profiling ides I do the same.
This concept can be used for profiling wings as well.
I call these particular ones "female, concave " as an external strut, wing shaping guide.
One could make " male, convex " for mold building.
Note that the template, shape guide, can be made from plexiglass, aluminum, thin wood, ect , or just because I happen to find it 2 mm fiber reinforced plastic.
David Interesting PRO filing profiles ..... simply a lot of work.......

Pro filing profiles ,making templates Pb260011

Pro filing profiles ,making templates Pb260012

Pro filing profiles ,making templates Pb260013

Dernière édition par sam grub le Mar 27 Nov 2012 - 10:14, édité 1 fois
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Kitesurf depuis/since : 1993
Masculin Messages : 6156
Age : 63
Localisation : frejus
Weight/Poids: : 63
Foil: : foils développés personnellement
Kites/Ailes: : flymaax toon 10m
Wind/Vent: : de 6 a 40nts
Inscription : 26/07/2010

Pro filing profiles ,making templates Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pro filing profiles ,making templates   Pro filing profiles ,making templates EmptyLun 26 Nov 2012 - 20:26

wahoo! david you have your feet in Genève and your head on the see
You will try to foil on Geneve lake or not????
Will you résist???
Anyway good job with the templates Wink
Kiss to Christina
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Kitesurf depuis/since : 1999
Masculin Messages : 100
Age : 63
Localisation : france
Weight/Poids: : 73
Foil: : diy fk inspired
Kites/Ailes: : North
Wind/Vent: : 7-45
Inscription : 20/10/2011

Pro filing profiles ,making templates Empty
MessageSujet: No foil flying, just building.   Pro filing profiles ,making templates EmptyMar 27 Nov 2012 - 10:33

Hi MR Frankite,
I did not bring any gear to ride here, as you know I get enough in windy Lafranqui.
I profit to have a workshop to build in, but most important is finding real work, not looking good so far.... Sad
And thanks to you I will make my foil better!!
I still have not understood how your foil in rocks accident happened, please explain!
off to shape.... file........file......file.....ect.....
All the best to the girls
David and Christine
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Kitesurf depuis/since : 1999
Masculin Messages : 231
Age : 51
Localisation : Leucate
Weight/Poids: : 62kg
Foil: : Ketos 90RHM/83RFX + 1200v2 Kool
Kites/Ailes: : Airush DNA 3m et 4m
Airush One Progression 4m et 6m
Airush Ultra V3 9m
Aeros Navy2 11m
Wind/Vent: : 8->40knts
Inscription : 03/09/2012

Pro filing profiles ,making templates Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pro filing profiles ,making templates   Pro filing profiles ,making templates EmptyMar 27 Nov 2012 - 20:32

Fuc#*^$@* what an awesome job !!!
Hope it'll work better but needs lot of time Shocked
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Kitesurf depuis/since : 1993
Masculin Messages : 6156
Age : 63
Localisation : frejus
Weight/Poids: : 63
Foil: : foils développés personnellement
Kites/Ailes: : flymaax toon 10m
Wind/Vent: : de 6 a 40nts
Inscription : 26/07/2010

Pro filing profiles ,making templates Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pro filing profiles ,making templates   Pro filing profiles ,making templates EmptyMar 27 Nov 2012 - 21:04

david my foil is back on the see after répairing
I have lost my chicken loop not far from the rocks and i décided to save my life and my kite
Conclusion my foil finished on the top of the rocks with many scares everywhere Evil or Very Mad
So never foiling near the rocks is the rule No
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